We are
sometimes fed up with the climate which is rarely predictable. Sometimes there
turns out to be a drought like situations and sometimes there are cases of
cloud burst. But in each case we have many casualties. We can't ignore this
rudiment fact.
We cannot
predict the nature's fury but we have our own ways to overcome those. Don't

We have
devised a method to produce artificial rain by spraying chemicals on the
clouds. It loses it water holding capacity and thus the result what we call is
rain. This is in simple layman's language.
seeding is done by spraying silver iodide or dry ice and sometimes liquid
propane is also used. It makes the cloud cooler thus the ice nucleates to form
larger drops and comes down as rain. If this is for artificial rain the reverse
can be done for stopping the rain.
method to stop the rain:
The whole
process of precipitation depends on the aggregation of smaller water droplets
to form bigger ones and it comes as rain. If we somehow stop the aggregation of
these water droplets then there is a sure shot possibility of stopping the
rain. The substance which produces instantaneous heat while combining with the
moisture content can do wonders. The already cooled water droplets which is in
the process of aggregation now turns into water vapour again due to the
excessive local heat produced. This can make the clouds lighter and this in
turn helps to avoid rain as the clouds are moved to other places due to wind.
Thus this
process helps to prevent the rain in two ways:
- · Making the water droplets lighter
- Making the cloud lighter thus helping to move along with the rain.
drawbacks involved in this:
The small
droplets of the chemical used could float in the atmosphere causing prolonged
lower rainfall in that region thereafter. The chemicals could also impose a
risk in the atmosphere and its content could reach above the safe emission