This is the season of firecrackers bursting and those
rockets mesmerizing the sky. The colorful shows presented by these
firecrackers is never a miss. It always attracts millions and I guess you never
want to miss a show. But the beauty doesn't come with a 'beast' besides it.
Isn't it?
The pollution it causes over a short span of time during
festive season is tremendous. The
pollution levels it causes reaches almost above average levels. But if you
insist me to stop bursting crackers, I won't even heed you. The same situation
applies to most of us. There should be some other alternative to bring down the
pollution levels during this time. Else environmentalist break on us blaming
that we were the ones causing major harm during the period.
So in short it should be an Eco-friendly one even if we
burst crackers. The main thing that we can bring down the level of pollution is
by cutting of those harmful gases. Is it possible? For every problem there is
always a way out!!!
The Idea:
We speak of
Eco-friendliness, so we are going to seek the help of our nature itself to
solve this issue. Here pot plants are of great use. The Aloe plant is a
great air purifier. A pot of Aloe is equivalent to the nine biological
air cleaners. So it turns out to be fruitful for those having respiratory
problems. If we keep this plant near the person the gases are automatically
absorbed by it. The artificial purifiers are of no use. It absorbs gases like
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide. And the great advantage of this plant is that
when the normal levels of toxin in the air increases, then this plant turns spotted.
So you can
buy one or two pots of Aloe and keep it in or outside your home.
The second is little time consuming and you already have to
be prepared for it. The corporations can also take a little measure before
hand. You can plant rubber trees along the road or in the residential area.
Rubber greatly reduces the granular dust and also absorbs most of the toxic
gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide.
Flash powders can be used as this burns up fast leaving
lesser traces of gases. Sulphur absorbing materials can also be added to avoid
forming of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere which is a major pollutant.
If you have your own methods to have a Eco friendly festive
season then it well and good. Else you
could follow some other alternative.