We change the world with the
flick of a button. We explore the space with a push of a button. Small things
can't be underestimated. The potential what a small thing has, can't be
imagined what huge things it can do. It maybe a small atom producing tons of
unimaginable power converting itself into other atoms.

The most surprising part is that while providing this great energy the
atoms convert itself into another atoms. In fusion the lighter hydrogen atoms fuses
into the bigger helium atoms. The bigger uranium into fissions out to produce
smaller atoms like plutonium, lead etc.
One thing that caught my attention is that ONE ELEMENT CAN CHANGE INTO
Then why can't we produce the so called "rare" earth metals
which we need it badly!!!!
If hydrogen gives helium, uranium gives plutonium then what can give us
gold or diamond???
It is a new area where we can scratch our heads out!!!! What if we can
get tons of gold and diamond using this known??? Wouldn't be that a mind
freaking thing???
The whole system in this world moves towards the lower entropy and
thereby moving towards greater stability. Since bigger atoms break down to
smaller atoms for greater stability so as those smaller ones combine to form
bigger ones.
Gold, one of the most stable element can be got using fusion reactions
as the atomic number of gold is much higher. If suitable conditions are
maintained during the process of fusion then we can achieve our desired
The sparkling diamond can be yielded by the fission process of bigger
Is this really feasible than extracting the gold
from the earth??
The fusion and fission reaction needs special
care and this technology is greatly condemned worldwide for its ill effects.
The whole thing has to be properly catalysed to
get the desired product otherwise it may lead to other reactions.
This process may yield may more elements which
is not of our interest.
Student @ VIT University